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E-shop LIRA. Books, audio CD and cassettes, videos, software and souvenirs from Russia for all russian-speaking population of the world. Delivery by air in 7-10 days around the world. All major credit cards accepted. http://www.lira.ru  info@lira.ru +7(095)280-8624 Moscow, Russia

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If you are graduate of the Moscow Theater Technical Art College. Especially with Stage Lighting Degree. Or Московский Теaтрaльный Художествено-Технический Техникум.    Ambulatorny 1-st proyezd, 8/7 Phones: 152-2682, 152-2632 e-mail: theacol.edu@mtu-net.ru  Or Shkola 141 школе № 141   Please Email to Me !!!!